Keys to Crafting Your Effortless Environment

Your Environment communicates to people about who you are and how you see yourself. You will want to make sure that the story your environment is communicating is accurate.

Your mind is your most important environment so it is vitally important that you guard what is communicated to your mind. Do not fill your mind with the equivalent of junk food. Fill your mind with enriching, creative, thought-provoking communications.

Time and space to think
Your environment should give you and your staff time and space to think. That may mean a comfortable place to rest, stimulating decor and some privacy.

Sell what people want to buy
The second part of selling what people want to buy is to create an atmosphere of value and to make it easy and conducive for your clients to pay you.

Your mastermind is an important part of your mind environment.

Week 8 Your Environment Exercises

Your environment can make or break your best intentions. Think of the dieter who keeps their favourite candy in the house. Or someone who wants to get 8 hours sleep a night, but is addicted to late-night tv.

A cluttered desk makes it hard to find what you need. A cluttered mind makes it hard to remember what you need to and adds to your stress.

My office is a 20 minute walk from home. That was a deliberate choice because I wanted an environment that made it easy to walk every day.

Here is this week’s worksheet to have you thinking about your environment.

Environment Worksheet